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  Sexy PSP
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photos sexy pour psp

Secrets PS4


How to see pics on you PSP ?


Materials you need :

  • a PSP
  • a Memorystick Duo or Duo Pro
  • USB cable for PSP (to link PSP to the computer)

Notice :

  • We plug USB cable to the computer to PSP (computer and PSP can be ON)
  • on PSP setting, go on"Settings" puis "USB Connection"  on "OK" with the cercle button
  • on thePSP you can read "USB Mode", the computer should reccocnize thePSP as a new harddrive
  • on PSP, go on "PSP" directory then "PHOTO" and we put what you want wath on the PSP

You can create another directory if you want

Best resolution for the PSP is 480 x 272 , but don't panic, PSP can adapt resolution and zoom to resize (bigger and smaller)

more informations about PSP on (but in french)



Free sexy pics for PSP can be download here


free sexy pic for PSP - free donwload for PSP - nude pics for PSP


Realised by XavFun - August 15th, 2005


>Nombreuses photos sexy pour fonds d'écran psp


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